Thursday, November 13, 2014

Evangelical Hermeneutics

Image result for evangelical hermeneutics
"Evangelical Hermeneutics: The New Versus the Old" by Robert L. Thomas delivers a well reasoned insistence upon retaining the "grammatical-historical" (pre-1970's) method of hermeneutics. Dr. Thomas analyses the landscape of many current theological, translational, linguistic, & cultural issues touched by the more recent and subjective "new" hermeneutic. This book carefully combs through terms that have become clouded by proponents of the "new" hermeneutic simply because many of them retained older terms but ascribed new definitions toward them. Helpful charts and summaries at the end of each chapter allows the reader a simple and straightforward review of the detailed analysis. And when I say detailed, I mean, detailed. It seems that each chapter has no less than about 50-100 footnotes (no joke). Which makes the e-book version upsetting because who ever formatted the ebook version didn't hyperlink the footnotes - - not to mention that on Kindle, this book isn't allowed to be on the loan program. Two strikes IMO for such a costly ebook. That being said, I am sure the printed page is the way to go for this extremely insightful book.


Chapter 1 The Hermeneutical Landscape

PART 1: The Role of Revisionist Hermeneutics in Altering Interpretive Principles

Chapter 2 The Origin of Preunderstanding: From Explanation to Obfuscation
Chapter 3 A Hermeneutical Ambiguity of Eschatology: The Analogy of Faith
Chapter 4 Dynamic Equivalence: A Method of Translation or a System of Hermeneutics?
Chapter 5 General Revelation and Biblical Hermenuetics
Chapter 6 The Principle of Single Meaning
Chapter 7 Redrawing the Line Between Hermeneutics and Application (by Brian A. Shealy)
Chapter 8 Modern Linguistics and Hermeneutics
Chapter 9 The New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Chapter 10 Genre Override in the Gospels
Chapter 11 Genre Override in Revelation

PART 2: The Role of Revisionist Hermeneutics in Fostering New Doctrines

Chapter 12 The Hermeneutics of Progressive Dispensationalism
Chapter 13 The Hermeneutics of Evangelical Feminism (by Paul W. Felix, Sr.)
Chapter 14 The Hermeneutics of Evangelical Missiology
Chapter 15 Theonomy and the Dating of Revelation
Chapter 16 The Hermeneutics of Open Theism
Chapter 17 Where Do Evangelicals Go from Here?

Scripture Index
Author Index
Subject Index

(C) 2002 by Robert L. Thomas, Published by Kregel Publications. 528 pages of good reading.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

#TOTT Think On These Things

Think On These Things is a daily reader designed to help you think and meditate each day on doctrinal and devotional matters drawn principally from the Bible, God's Holy Word. We all need to hide God's Word in our hearts, and a daily dose of Scripture is exactly what #TOTT delivers. I commend to you my third book in hopes that it will edify you in your daily walk with the Lord.

You may purchase #TOTT at the Starr Publications webpage for now.