Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Flowers from a Puritan's Garden

Image result for flowers from a puritan's garden
"Flowers from a Puritan's Garden" by C.H. Spurgeon is a storehouse of both spiritual and practical instructions cloaked in word-pictures or illustrations. Spurgeon would read Thomas Manton's sermons and other writings and be constantly struck with his "solid, sensible instruction forcibly delivered." And beside Manton's highlighted excerpts, the Prince of Preachers would add his own thoughts, making this Puritan Paperback a double-masterpiece. It is illustrations, meditations, prayers, admonitions, exhortations that provide so much reflection as multifarious as a well-kept garden. This is an excellent tool for meditation and devotion. 305 pages of gold, silver, and precious stones.

Publisher: Banner of Truth (BoT) (first published by Passmore & Alabaster, London, 1883; today is published by BoT, 2017).

Series: Puritan Paperbacks.

Pages: 320, including a helpful index of subjects starting on pg. 307.

No Table of Contents - just dive into the book, and relish the wisdom of these gifted men.

There is a Kindle version of this book on Amazon's website, fyi, but it isn't as attractively done as BoT's paperback edition.

Independent Baptist bookstores to consider

Here are some online Independent Baptist bookstores that are worth looking into. Happy book hunting!

Bible Baptist Church Publications, Cromwell, CT

Bible Baptist Church Publications, Oak Harbor, WA

Bible For Today

Challenge Press-Book Haven

Church Bible Publishers

Evangelist Ted Alexander Bookstore

Fairhaven Baptist Church Bookstore

Hope Biblical Counseling Bookstore

Independent Baptist Books/ibadirect.com

Local Church Bible Publishers

Mercy & Truth Ministries

Pillar and Ground Publishing

Starr Publications

Tabernacle Bookshop

Way of Life Bookstore

Also if your church (assuming that it is a New Testament, Bible-based, Baptist church) has a book table, or a bookstore, or a smaller type of a bookstore (i.e., a book table) that would be a great place to find some worth while reading materials, no doubt. If you know of any good online Baptist bookstores for me to consider, please feel free to recommend them in the comments sections (heads up: any ones I disagree with won't be posted though, just saying). Be well.